Eye Contact That Unlocks Power

Synchronizing. Tantric. Healing. Transcendent. Energizing.

Maya Bechi, M.Ed


Photo by Houcine Ncib on Unsplash

Even eye contact can be controversial.

Let me explain. My first lengthy conversations about eye contact was in a meeting about goal setting for a student with autism more than a decade ago. The debate was led by the speech pathologist and test evaluator and the student was present. Back then, I was unfamiliar with the pragmatics of eye contact, so I found the discussion interesting and very informative. Quite honestly, I understood the benefits, and I was in agreement with the professional purpose. Now, if you are a parent or spend any significant time with youth, you can read their silence. So, in the middle of the conversation, I turned to the student and asked, how does eye contact make you feel?

Without looking at me, she simply said “Weird. I don’t like it. But I can hear you just fine.”

This was a mesmerizing exchange to me for two reasons:

  1. Why did she correlate eye contact with hearing?
  2. Why was “weird” the adjective of choice?

Using my well developed overthinking muscles, I followed a rabbit hole of untangling what eye contact can do for communication. I very much wanted to become the kind of teacher that stood behind a student’s choice…



Maya Bechi, M.Ed
Maya Bechi, M.Ed

Written by Maya Bechi, M.Ed

Perfectly imperfect. A myriad of musings, research and writings. Educator, Indie Publisher, Supportive Human. Look me up. www.robsonandpuritan.com

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