Forget Niche Writing, Focus on The Right Platform

Community Online is Like Community Face to Face

Maya Bechi, M.Ed

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

Storytellers online are finding their individual paths as the world changes and digital community transforms again. Social media is increasingly being viewed as optional. Being more strategic about which platform you choose is going to become easier and building your brand should feel more comfortable. I’ll share my experience as I grow.

Watching a poignant 34 minute overview about brand growth by visionary Jahleel C. was time well spent by me a month ago (linked at the end). It brought me back to Medium. This past month has been the most fun, refreshing, exciting, and motivating. I’ve been on this platform since 2020, but, I ventured out to try several social media platforms and now I am relieved to be back. While on Instagram, I cycled through all of the content creation tips. I had a niche, I rewrote the Bio, I focused on reels, I posted daily, I engaged with followers, comments and handles that were similar. My community and my voice just did not resonate on that platform. I realized that my content was not polarizing, nor did it deliver any shock value to generate more comment conversations. The rate of subscribers and engagement to my IG channel was a great tool for reflection. Of the small group who followed, my interactions were a consistent 5 —…

Maya Bechi, M.Ed
Maya Bechi, M.Ed

Written by Maya Bechi, M.Ed

Perfectly imperfect. A myriad of musings, research and writings. Educator, Indie Publisher, Supportive Human. Look me up.

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What are your thoughts?

I’ve been on this platform since 2020, but, I ventured out to try several social media platforms and now I am relieved to be back.

Hiya Maya. I cruise your page every couple days to see if you're back. Are you writing again? Smiling.
Just touching base.